Monday, June 13, 2011

Finn's THREE!

and potty trained yea!!!!
Here's a recap of the festivities in photos...(finally)

Monday, March 21, 2011

waking up


 Finn and Emme have such different wake up moods! As you can see Finn said "no, stop it" his famous last words. And Emme I could do just about anything to get her to smile.
Finn eventually warmed up when he was able to make one of his favorite things, blueberry pancakes.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

31 by 31 : a list

got this idea from a friend and wanted to post it so that I can hold myself accountable! It is simply a list relating to my age of things I would like to do or maintain within the next year!

31 by 31 : a list

  1. Do yoga everyday! improve balance, maintain weight.
  2. get rid of all clutter. if we don't love it and use it we don't need it! (pantry, freezer, etc)
  3. listen to more music. watch less TV (even at night when the boys are home)
  4. learn more about blogging. update The Cichy Family more often :)
  5. "look good" everyday! hair did, face painted, NO jammies.
  6. Drink a full 32 oz. bottle of water each day. more water=better health
  7. read and use my camera manual. i want to take better photos.
  8. take more pictures. don't have nearly enough of Emersyn.
  9. Move every day! even if it's dancing to music, or while cleaning.
  10. have more company. i am such a hermit sometimes!
  11. visit the library each week. good for me and the kiddos!
  12. a monthly date with Joshua. even if it's just for a cup o coffee.
  13. develop a better method of food shopping. even with my list, i get stressed.
  14. stick to the budget. find what really fits our needs and stick to it.
  15. write more letters/send more cards. everyone enjoys a little sail mail, INCLUDING ME!
  16. start a college saving plan. if 3 years went as fast as the next 15, we're in trouble!
  17. expand my dinner menu. i have lots of cookbooks and i just neglect them.
  18. save $ for trips. ie. Duluth is a "marriage must"
  19. Read The Help. currently on my nightstand.
  20. read more. PERIOD!
  21. learn to make tiramisu. not just the easy kind.
  22. be able to do ten push-ups. may sounds week but I can't do many now.
  23. take a facebook break.
  24. learn/relearn card games.
  25. go to a blog meet-up. hoping to start one related to MS.
  26. create a fun and functional wardrobe. one fit for a stay at home mom.
  27. have fresh flowers in the house once a month. a creativity must! but have to add H2O
  28. renew my passport. i want to be ready for any opportunity that arises.
  29. finish finn's baby book. get it organized and caught up.
  30. finish Emme's baby book. get it organized and caught up.
  31. be cheerful and encourage my husband and kids all day every day! i am often too pessimistic.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stay at home "mommy"

Although being a stay at home mom is harder than I thought, I LOVE IT! Emersyn is at such a fun age! She is sitting on her own, laughing, cooing and smiling away! She is such a happy baby and although I continuously stress about whether or not I'm doing enough or teaching her enough throughout the days, I wouldn't change it for the world! It is too easy to get caught up in what she "should" be doing for her age rather than enjoying and memory banking every possible moment. It is so true that the time goes on too quickly so all you mammas out there I have just one piece of advice. "Stop and smell the roses" take all the mental pictures you can and store them away as the precious memories that they are!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas finale'

What can I say-We LOVE our families and are so greatful for this holiday season. Only sad that it always seems to come and go so quickly!!

Christmas craziness...part 4

Christmas craziness...part 3

It has become a tradition to spend Christmas Eve night with Nana and Papa. The night started with a game of 'Don't Spill the Beans' followed by 1 early gift (okay 2) and dinner. As always we enjoyed the company and went home eager for Santa to arrive.

Christmas craziness...part 2

The celebrating continued with Christmas eve at home. First came home made blueberry waffles followed by gift opening! There was a lot to sort through as there were presents from Grandma Karen & Grandpa Al as well as Grandma Betty & Grandpa Dana. We had a lot of fun with all of our new toys and have a lot to be thankful for!! Thank You to all!!!

Christmas craziness...part 1

The very first part of our holiday season involved our neighbors and great friends in what I hope will become an annual tradition, our very first "Ugly Sweater Party." We were even able to get Finn involved and the funny part was, as tattered and ugly as the outfit was, he didn't want to take it off. So at the end of the day, he slept in it and even opened gifts in it the next morning! (more pics to come of that) We love Sarah and Josh and had a blast in sharing some wine and playing games. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Home arts and crafts

Visit w/Santa

We took a trip to Santas Village on Sunday and funny thing was, Finn wanted almost nothing to do with Santa but Emersyn was all about it! Nana and Papa were able to meet us over there and help out with the arts and craft tables they have set up for the kiddos. We were even able to make some reindeer food. Despite the "hot" candy cane, all in all it was a beautiful setting and a great start to our holiday season.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Friday, November 5, 2010

Gym Fun with cousin Noah!

About once a week we take Finn to open gym for an hour. The kids are all in the same age range and get to just run around and blow off some energy! Once and awhile we are lucky enough to enjoy cousin Noah's company. The boys have so much fun and it is so nice to watch them run, jump and play with one another. Just one reason we love having family to nearby!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Halloween was so much fun! We were lucky enough to be able to hang out with Nana, Papa, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mark and even "handyman Noah." Finn of course was a shark and little Emme was a ladybug. We played games, ate pizza and the boys went out on their first trick or treat stroll. I thought when it came down to it, Finn would be too shy but not at all! He was so cute as he would say trick or treat before he got to the door and then gently set his candy bowl down and step back waiting for his treat to be placed inside. He ran from door to door and alas at the last house he finally said trick or treat as he got to the door. Now if only I can resist the loads and loads of candy sitting around the house!

The Early Days