Thursday, January 8, 2009

Okay, I'll be the one to say it...Thank God the Holidays are OVER! I never expected the hustle and bustle of working, traveling outside of town, and handling a little one to be so exhausting!! But we did it, I survived and as my dad would say "Bah Humbug." Sorry, but it's the truth! Being a new parent can be overwhelming, but I think everyone already knows that. Either way, I think Finn had a blast. Even outside of his daily routine and with seeing new friends and family, he was a trooper, smiles and all! We got a video camera as a family gift (Thanks Dad;) so videos should follow shortly with our regular updates.  In the meantime here a few pics from our holiday season.

1 comment:

The O'Connell's said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! We need to catch up soon! Finn is getting sooo big! I love the new pics (I especially like the bpump in the background of the first pic :) J/K-only I would notice that :). Talk to you soon! Miss ya!

The Early Days