Thursday, February 11, 2010


One big part of our trip away was actually what was taking place at home. Josh and I have long talked about adding beams to our home but I never thought it would become a realty.
That is, until I walked back into our house after being gone for 2 weeks. Here are a couple of pictures of his hard work and my NEW living and dining room.
Thanks Babe!

Finn and I recently took the looong trip home to CO to visit family and friends. While we were visiting, Finn got really, really sick and unfortunately we weren't able to do and see as much as would have liked. But we did make it to the aquarium in Denver and spent plenty of time with both grandma and grandpa.

Another big part of the trip was to attend a Multiple Sclerosis Benefit dinner that Al helped organize. The night was a huge success and raised a lot of money for a really good cause. I was able to spend the night alongside one of my favorite friends, Nicole, who I hadn't seen in a really long time! We had a blast and I only wish we lived closer together! All in all it was a good trip but I must say it was really nice to come home!

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The Early Days