Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finn turns TWO!

This last weekend Finn turned TWO! Where has the time gone? We had such a busy month as my Dad and Betty were here for a week to kick the festivities off. Finn got his first train set and often pulls whoever he can over to it in order to show it off. Our new friends Sarah and Josh next door got him a bubble train which he loves! Then Josh and I decided to pull out the inner artist in him by getting him an art easel that he can color away with all on his own! Finally we made the trip out to the lake to see Nanna, Pappa, Uncle Mark, Aunt Sarah and cousin Noah. He was spoiled of course with my homemade shark cake (yes I made it from scratch and yes I had LOTS of help from Josh) and plenty of action gifts. He received his first vehicle, a mini ATV (thanks Nanna and Pappa) and even a bubble lawnmower (Thanks grandma Karen and Grandpa Al). There were also of course traditional goodies like books and clothes but I guess at 2 that doesn't keep his interest very long. All in all it was a very busy, successful birthday and we feel very blessed to have so many people to share it with. Thanks to ALL!!

1 comment:

The O'Connell's said...

LOVE all the pictures!! He looks so big! Looks like you guys had a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it. Miss you!

The Early Days